During the different treatments, the massage movements that are used release unwanted and excess toxins from the body. Consequently, following a massage treatment it is possible the body may experience what is known as a “Healing Crisis”.
Over the next 12-24 hours, it is quite normal for you to experience any of the following:
- Cold like symptoms
- Increased sweating
- Stuffy, blocked or runny nose
- Heightened emotions – high or low
- Sleepy & fatigued or deeply relaxed
- Irritable
- Energised
- Muscle soreness
- Temporary worsening of symptoms
- Increased thirst
- Increased urination
- Sounder sleep
As everyone is different and may ‘react’ differently to a massage these symptoms are quite normal and are a good sign that the treatment is working.
To help the “Healing Crisis” along over the next 12-24 hours, it is advisable to do the following, as these will help the toxins to be released from the body:
- Drink plenty of water over the next 24 hours following treatment (this can assist your body to flush out toxins that massage helps to release from your body).
- Eat light meals (when you eat a heavy meal, your blood will be directed to the intestines, and away from the massages areas; in other words, the demands of digestion will divert the energy away from the healing).
- Rest as much as possible.
- Avoid heat treatments (bath, sauna etc) for at least 24 hours.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure if certain oils have been used (photo toxicity).
- Avoid strenuous activity or exercise for the rest of the day after treatment or for at least 24 hours.
- Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours.
If you feel concerned about anything following your treatment do not hesitate to contact me for advice.
If however, you can not reach me for whatever reason and you feel poorly in any way, or your symptoms worsen, you can ask you family doctor for advice.