Benefits of Cuddling
Our society is suffering from chronic social isolation and touch deprivation and, to make matters worse, we have also sexualized touch. Touch deprivation is linked to anxiety, depression, aggression, stress, violent behavior, impulsiveness, low job performance, poor relational skills, and so on.
Sadly, many people in our society come from communities where they were never, or rarely, touched by their parents, family members, or friends or only experience touch through sex. There’s a better way. Cuddling provides mutually beneficial touch that many of us never received in the past or currently do not experience in the present. Much like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, professional therapeutic touch through cuddling is healing and transformative when it happens in a respectful and emotionally safe way. The protocols Cuddlist teaches establish and preserve these conditions.Try therapeutic touch session with a Cuddlist cuddler practitioner, and see just how much more alive you will feel. We look forward to embracing you.
What is it for?
A session of cuddling can:
● Improve immunity,
● Enhance mood,
● Serve as an energetic elixir for all patients, especially those with chronic medical conditions.
● Build self esteem
● Increase trust and self reliance
● Decrease anxiety and depression
Code of Conduct
1. Client and Practitioner both verify that they are at least the legal age of consent in their location.
2. Client and Practitioner both agree to be free from any mind-altering substances during the sessions and are thereby fully able to give consent.
3. Client agrees to fully disclose any diagnoses or conditions that may affect their cuddling session to the Practitioner.
4. Client and Practitioner both agree to practice consent and attention to personal boundaries at all times.
5. Client and Practitioner will communicate to find what is mutually comfortable throughout each cuddling session. This applies to all communication prior to and after sessions as well.
6. This is a strictly platonic service. Client and Practitioner both agree to not pursue or encourage sexual arousal. Also:
- Minimum clothing of tank top and shorts that cover the top half of the thigh and are suitable to be worn in public for both Client and Practitioner at all times.
- No hand to genital or breast contact. No intentional genital stimulation of any kind.
- No exchanging of saliva, or any other bodily fluid, in any way.
7. Client and Practitioner both agree to respectful personal hygiene.
8. Client confidentiality is to be respected at all times.
9. Either Client or Practitioner may end the session at any time.
10. All feedback is valued and confidential. If you’d like to share more about your experience after having a cuddle session, please write to me through the contact form.